Instacart Ads

Our Results

In 2024, we generated millions in revenue through Instacart Ads with a 5.4x return on ad spend (ROAS). Our campaigns consistently drive category leadership and market share growth across Instacart's rapidly expanding marketplace.

Our expertise Instacart’s AI and machine learning helps you win the digital shelf while maximizing profitability across Instacart's high-intent shopping platform.

Full-Service Campaign Management

    • Featured Products

    • Category Takeovers

    • Search Amplification

    • Delivery Promotions

    • Brand Pages

    • Display Media

    • New Item Launch

    • Seasonal Programs

Advanced Retail Capabilities

    • Category keyword targeting

    • Competitive conquest

    • Brand defense

    • Search term isolation

    • Dayparting strategies

    • Share of voice optimization

    • Basket building

    • Instacart+ members

    • Category buyers

    • Brand loyalists

    • Basket size targeting

    • Shopping frequency

    • Customer lifetime value

    • Cross-category buyers

    • Market basket analysis

    • Category benchmarking

    • Competitive monitoring

    • Price gap optimization

    • Inventory-based bidding

    • Retailer-level performance

    • Shopping behavior insights

Our Process

  1. Discovery and Strategy We begin with a comprehensive analysis of your retail goals, category dynamics, profit margins, and competitive landscape to develop a customized Instacart strategy.

  2. Campaign Development We continuously build, test, iterate, optimize, and scale to maximize sales velocity and category share.

  3. Reporting and Analysis We provide comprehensive weekly reports that include sales metrics, market share data, and strategic recommendations, empowering you to make informed decisions about your Instacart performance and growth opportunities.

Why Partner With Us

Our team manages hundreds of thousands in annual Instacart ad spend and brings deep expertise in digital grocery. We understand marketplace-specific metrics and consistently deliver exceptional results that outpace category benchmarks.

Experienced Instacart Team

Custom Solutions

Every brand and category is unique. We develop tailored strategies that align with your specific Instacart positioning, category dynamics, and growth goals.

We make decisions based on comprehensive marketplace analytics and testing to maximize your return while maintaining optimal price positioning and market share within the Instacart ecosystem.

Data-Driven Approach

We believe in building strong partnerships through clear communication and accessibility. Count on quick email responses and direct access through phone and Slack. Our weekly check-in calls ensure we stay aligned on performance and category goals.

Transparent Communication

Ready to Win on Instacart?

Let us review your campaigns and analytics to provide actionable insights and suggestions – no strings attached.